Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Life goes on

Well, it has been a while. Lot's has happened. Laurie and I are empty nester's now. The boys (including Jason's wife - Cassie) are coming back for Christmas. Lacey will have her family over for a bit the following week and Jenny's family is saving their time off to look for homes in the Portland area. We are looking forward to a great Christmas. I may even have some time during the holidays to bring my blog up to date.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

General Conference Addresses

We are in the middle of General Conference for our Church and it is very helpful for me personally. It helps me figure out what areas I need to work on in my life specifically. I enjoy the revelation I can and do receive at this time. I hope and pray that I can do what I have been taught to do.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Moving on

We had a great weekend seeing Kendra Linton sealed in the Portland Oregon temple yesterday. We decided to go to an endowment session earlier and enjoyed being in the temple. Nick was able to go to the Tiger Invitational Track meet in Battleground yesterday also. He had a great day. His events were in the afternoon so we got to see them all. He had a personal best in the triple jump and ran the 4x400 for the first time ever. The person who normally runs it was not able to so they looked over at Nick. He did pretty well I think. I think it would be wonderful to be able to keep this going. I will try a little harder this time.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I created a Mormon.org profile. I am going to try to link to it. Let's see how well I do.

Long time away

Well, it is more than a year since I have written. So much has happened and I will not be sharing it all. In fact, I won't be sharing much at all.

Matt will be coming home in a couple of months. We are excited to see him. He is having a great time out in the Richmond, VA area. He is currently in Waynesboro.